Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 4 Food Journal

Weight: 131.0
Goal: 125

Yeah!!!!! Even though I was so bad on Wednesday I was pretty good yesterday (except for a small piece of cake at Sandy's goodbye party) and the scale shows it. I think a couple of factors helped. Brad and I ran and I had a steak salad, which was pretty low on calories. I did have 3 reduced fat croissants with a little butter any jelly, but that was it. No wine and not other snacks. I am very happy with this number. Now the weekend is here, the toughest part of the week.

Hot tea with skim milk & Low sugar oatmeal.

Banana & light cheese stick

Lean Cuisine shrimp alfredo.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 3 Food Journal

There will cake again today....
OK this time I won't eat the corner and I will have a very small piece.

I didn't weigh myself because yesterday was terrible, see minor set back entry.

Hot Tea & Greek Yogurt


Chicken wrap with honey mustard (no cheese)
White cake

Breakfast for dinner????

A Minor Set Back

Yesterday was not good.

It all started with cake at Dick's retirement. I asked for an end piece full of sugar. What was I thinking??? Then Brad and I went out to dinner. I told myself I'd get a salad, but everything else looked soooo good. I did have chicken, but it was smothered with pimento cheese and bacon. The Potatoes has a ton of butter and even the broccoli had butter on it (or something that made them taste so good). I also had 2 glasses of wine. I guess it could have been worse. There was cheesecake as a special, but I turned it down. Then when we got home I had one more glass of wine while we watched Halloween.

I have to look at this as a minor set back and just through my hands in the air and give up. Each day is a challenge and some days i will make mistakes, but if I begin to have more good days than bad then I will be a healthier/thinner person.
